At the Campbell Law Firm, we offer a FREE consultation to discuss your specific financial situation. We are a law firm dedicated to debt resolution with a team boasting decades of bankruptcy experience. We help businesses and individuals experiencing financial difficulty including Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, debt settlements, reorganizations and workouts and other options.
As our nation goes through difficult financial times, more and more people need to be aware that our laws can offer them well-deserved protection. Rather than struggling with debt, you can take advantage of the protections these laws afford you. We will work with you to develop and implement an individualized plan for debt resolution. Trust our experience and skill to guide you through difficult financial challenges. We are committed to achieving the very best outcome for every client.
If your family or business is facing financial problems and overwhelmed with debt and bills, including foreclosure, repossession, wage garnishment, medical bills, tax debt, student loan debt, creditor harassment, credit card debt, lawsuits, collection notices and other financial problems, our attorneys can help.
We are passionate about creating innovative effective legal strategies to resolve the financial problems of our clients. We call this: “Giving You Peace of Mind.”
Contact our office to discuss your wage garnishment or bank account levy or set off with an attorney.
Office: 843-884-6874